Webinar Report: “Authentic influencing”

Innovation Lab is an organization, which consists of micro companies that work on a variety of topics including business strategies, digitization, marketing, etc. An exclusive article on Innovation Lab can be found on our blog: https://www.dirk-raguse.de/blog/education-and-training-companies-in-the-spotlight/today-innovation-lab.html.

The company hosts several seminars on different topics all round the year. This one hosted by Kristine Sirnes was on “Authentic influencing” at the 10th of February 2022.

Authentic influencing is the true voice and power of a leader, which create trust, synergy, and connection with everyone around us. Practicing authentic influencing has a cultural impact, affects social engagement among and promotes talent within a group and contributes to loyal customers.

Within this webinar, an interesting example, of how authentic influencing worked in a banking sector, was explained by Kristine Sirnes. Due to dipping business, when a particular bank investigated their clientele, it was found out, that itsclients were concentrated in the age group of 45 years and above. The importance of bringing in youngsters was daunting. The leader of this bank worked towards redefining its purpose and providing better infrastructure for the young men/women, who are financially weak.

The bank participated in television shows, extensively argued about accommodation costs for youth, encouraged Start-Ups et cetera. Kristine credits the success of this new strategy to the banks´s leader and his traits that led to its successful implementation. Being yourself, taking personal risks and stepping up to the occasion, are some values, that cannot be ignored. Kristine quoted examples of Greta Turnberg, Malala among others to explain these traits.

It's not an unpopular opinion, that most people make choices in different departments - from brands, workplace to investments -, which support their beliefs and values. This makes the businesses accountable to its stakeholders. And market research also enumerate, that most stakeholders want their CEOs to be visible publicly, while also employees look for this trait or behaviour, before joining a compan

From talking about prominent public and social issues to discussing and expressing their opinion about them openly with the group, is seen as an important trait of good CEOs. Reports also suggest, that 9 out of 10 of the “Generation Z (GenZ)” prefer brands, that they trust and the trust is reflected as a measure of the brand’s involvement in efforts, that provide the world’s betterment.

A number of social issues hamper today’s world: climate change, recession, racism, mental health and a lot more. Tackling these challenges with care as a business organization becomes crucial. Being innovative, critical and empowering is the way forward. Many business leaders have developed solutions and are running successful businesses.

Mads Nipper, the CEO of Ørsted, is a wonderful example of a leader, who practices what he preaches. It’s a story of an oil and gas company, that has turned a world leader in renewables. Another inspiring personality is Karen Frosig, who is the CEO of Sydbank A/S. Against all odds, she made it to the 7% of the of female CEOs of the world. 

The conclusive remarks of authentic influencing are, that it means authentic leadership, combined with strategic PR as well as communication and influencer marketing. The term influencer marketing refers to the brands, collaborating with influencers to create an impact. This is tangible, but can reap good. The book “The Influencer Code” of Amanda Russell helps to identify the right influencer, to pursue the right goal and build the right connection. A well-known influencer in combination with a thoughtful leader is the formula for success. The aim, however, remains to be honest and real.  The book “Why should anyone be led by you” by Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones is an eye-opener in this regard.

The seminar provided the intricacies of authentic influencing and conveyed the essence of it through practical and known examples. The host Kristine held the audience captive with her delivery as it was engaging and interesting. This seminar is highly recommended to everyone, who wants to up his/her game as a leader or an enterprise.  

Read more about the company Innovation Lab and be informed about its seminars like this here, we attended and reported on: https://innovationlab.net.

















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